BMW GAP Team Matches | History |
Player of the Year |
William Hyndman, III Player of the Year | History |
Senior Player of the Year | History | | | |
Super-Senior Player of the Year | History | | | |
Junior Player of the Year | History | | | |
Majors |
BMW Amateur Championship | History | Medalists | | |
Middle-Amateur Championship | History | | | |
Open Championship | History | Low Amateurs | | |
Joseph H. Patterson Cup | History | | | |
Silver Cross awards |
Silver Cross | History | | | |
Senior Silver Cross | History | | | |
Super-Senior Silver Cross | History | | | |
Amateur Tournaments |
Net Championship | History | | | |
Parent/Child-Middle | History | | | |
Parent/Child-Older | History | | | |
Four-Ball Stroke Play Championship | History | | | |
Four-Player Team | History | | | |
Marston Cup | History | | | |
Mixed Foursomes Championship | History | | | |
Tournament of Champions | History | | | |
Women's Championship | History | | | |
Women's Spring Scramble | History | | | |
Caddie Tournament (discontinued 2022) | History | | | |
Team Championship (discontinued 2022) | History | | | |
Tee It Forward - Fall Net Championship (discontinued 2022) | History | | | |
Tee It Forward - Spring Net Championship (discontinued 2022) | History | | | |
Junior Tournaments |
Christman Cup | History | | | |
The Deeg Sezna | History | | | |
Parent/Child-Younger | History | | | |
Francis X. Hussey Memorial | History | | | |
Harry Hammond Award | History | | | |
Jock MacKenzie Memorial | History | | | |
Junior Boys' Championship | History | Medalists | | |
Junior Team Championship | History | | | |
Junior-Junior Boys' Championship | History | | | |
Senior Tournaments |
Brewer Cup | History | Medalists | | |
Francis B. Warner Cup | History | | | |
Frank H. Chapman Memorial Cup | History | | | |
Senior Amateur Championship | History | | | |
Senior Club Team Challenge | History | | | |
Senior Four-Ball Stroke Play | History | | | |
Senior Four-Man Team | History | | | |
Francis B. Warner Cup (Net) (discontinued 2022) | History | | | |
Frank H. Chapman Memorial Cup (Net) (discontinued 2022) | History | | | |
Senior 27-Hole Challenge (discontinued 2022) | History | | | |
Honorary Teams |
Compher Cup Matches | History | Player Records | | |
Philadelphia Challenge Matches | History | Player Records | | |
Mason-Dixon Matches | History | Player Records | | |
Senior Challenge Matches | History | Year-by-Year | Player Roster | |
Williamson Cup | History | Year-by-Year | | |
| | | | |
Winter Series | | | | |
Players of the Year | History | | | |
| | | | |
GAP/DSGA | | | | |
GAP/DSGA | History | | | |
| | | | |
GAP/AGA | | | | |
GAP/AGA | History | | | |