#BMWGTM: Week Three update – The Golf Association of Philadelphia

May 09, 2019

#BMWGTM: Week Three update

Weather impacts #BMWGTM Week Three

Inclement weather in Week Three forced the suspension and postponement of numerous BMW GAP Team Matches across all five Divisions.

Any postponed Week Three match must be played by Saturday, May 11. Matches suspended mid-round must be resumed at the spot where they were suspended (with the same players participating) and must also be completed by May 11.  

GAP strongly encourages teams to find a mutually agreeable time to play. However, if an agreement cannot be made, then the match must be played at 2 p.m.

If the match is not completed by May 11, then it will be scored as a draw with zero points awarded to either team. In the event that the teams can’t agree on a makeup date, then the team available at 2 p.m. on May 11 will be declared the winner, and the match scored as default. 

Once all Week Three matches are complete, the schedule for the Playoff and Challenges will be finalized and announced by Monday, May 13.

In communicating with multiple clubs affected by the change in schedule due to weather, GAP understands the weekend of May 18 & 19 will not allow for many to host Playoff & Challenge Matches because of conflicting club event schedules. Therefore, the Association is extending the timeframe to complete the Playoff & Challenge Matches. The deadline to complete assigned Playoff & Challenge Matches is Saturday, June 1.

GAP strongly encourages teams to work together in order to determine a mutually agreeable date and time. The BMW GAP Team Matches is built upon camaraderie and competition. The Association understands that various factors (i.e. course and player availability) might require home and away matches to be completed on different days. That said, based on the team aspect of the event, a participating team’s home and away matches may be completed on different days, provided both are completed prior to the deadline established above. All matches, regardless of the date contested, must be played in succession (e.g. Match 1, 2 p.m., Match 2, 2:10 p.m., Match 3, 2:20 p.m. on the date selected).

In the event that clubs are forced to close the golf course due to unplayable conditions on June 1, then June 2 will be the rain date deadline.

The Association’s intention is to provide additional options to assist in completing such a storied competition. It understands and appreciates the BMW GAP Team Matches’ impact on competitors and host facilities alike. 

BMW GAP Team Matches
Since 1897, the BMW GAP Team Matches has been contested annually, save World War II (1943-45) and the severe ice storm of 1994. The Association’s forefathers conceived the Matches to promote spirit, fellowship and camaraderie. It started with the four founding clubs — Belmont Golf Association (now Aronimink Golf Club), Merion Cricket Club (now Merion Golf Club), Philadelphia Country Club and Philadelphia Cricket — each fielding two teams with six players per side. First known as the Interclub Team Matches, the event changed to the Suburban League Matches in 1915 before adopting its current moniker in 1997. BMW returns for a fifth year as the event’s presenting sponsor.

Celebrating Amateur Golf since 1897, GAP, also known as the Golf Association of Philadelphia, is the oldest regional or state golf association in the United States. It serves as the principal ruling body of amateur golf in its region. The Association’s 274 Full Member Clubs and 75,000 individual members are spread across the Eastern half of Pennsylvania and parts of New Jersey and Delaware. The GAP’s mission is to promote, preserve and protect the game of golf.

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