Philling the GAP: The GAP Index - The Golf Association of Philadelphia

Oct 01, 2024

Philling the GAP: The GAP Index

Philling the GAP: The GAP Index

As a GAP member with an active Handicap Index, you get it. The monthly newsletter designed for your game. The GAP Index. Formerly known as The Post, The GAP Index is circulated to the membership with the need-to-knows. Your Handicap Index, the rounds played thus far. Boom. Next comes The Discourse. The bullet points you need to know regarding the Association. Clickable and consumable. Learn about the latest highlights from the GAP newsroom. And finally, take the interactive quiz about the handicapping system. A GAP staff member explains the answer, whether you were correct or incorrect. The GAP Index: a sharpened tool to enhance your membership experience. 

Celebrating Amateur Golf since 1897, GAP, also known as the Golf Association of Philadelphia, is the oldest regional or state golf association in the United States. It serves as the principal ruling body of amateur golf in its region. The Association’s 345 Member Clubs and 110,000 individual members are spread across Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland. The GAP’s mission is to promote, preserve and protect the game of golf.  

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