Section 1: Week 2 — Hartefeld 1 vs. LuLu 1 – The Golf Association of Philadelphia

Week 2

Hartefeld National 1 (home) vs. LuLu 1

**Click here for Away Matches at LuLu**

Match 1: Mike Walker (Hartefeld) vs. Scott Forester (LuLu)

Match 2: Chris Smedley (Hartefeld) vs. Michael R. Brown, Jr. (LuLu)

Match 3: Brandon Raihl (Hartefeld) vs. Gary McCabe, Jr. (LuLu)

Match 4: Paul Hess (Hartefeld) vs. Mark Farley (LuLu)

Match 5: Anthony Apostolico (Hartefeld) vs. Mike Moffat (LuLu)

Match 6: Matt Ciarmella (Hartefeld) vs. Glenn Smeraglio (LuLu)

**Click here for Away Matches at LuLu**