Section 3: Week 1 – Whitemarsh Valley 1 vs. Tavistock 1 – The Golf Association of Philadelphia

Week 1

Whitemarsh Valley 1 (home) vs. Tavistock 1

Match 1: Gary Guarnaccia (WVCC) vs. Tanner Strow (Tavistock)

Match 2: Sean Carlin (WVCC) vs. Matt Raudenbush (Tavistock)

Match 3: Adam Mistretta (WVCC) vs. Bill McGuinness (Tavistock)

Match 4: Jim Kelly (WVCC) vs. Dan Rexon (Tavistock)

Match 5: Eddie McCrossen, Jr. (WVCC) vs. Bob Arthur (Tavistock)

Match 6: Vince Sirianni (WVCC) vs. Phil Anzaldo (Tavistock)