Section 2: Week 1 - Little Mill 1 vs. Cricket 1 - The Golf Association of Philadelphia

Week 1

Little Mill 1 (home) vs. Cricket 1

Match 1: Sean Sigall (LMCC) vs. Conrad Von Borsig (PCC)

Match 2: Cory Meyer (LMCC) vs. Marty McGuckin (PCC)

Match 3: Joe Hughes (LMCC) vs. Sean Semenetz (PCC)

Match 4: Bill Cregar (LMCC) vs. Cole Berman (PCC)

Match 5: Joe Roeder (LMCC) vs. Robby Walizer (PCC)

Match 6: Scott Bergson (LMCC) vs. Matt Kocent (PCC)