Senior 27-Hole Challenge – The Golf Association of Philadelphia

Senior 27-Hole Challenge

**Event discontinued in 2022**

Senior Division
2021Tom DiCinti/Byron WhitmanPhiladelphia Publinks GA/Berkshire CC35-36-69-140Bellewood CC
2020Ken Silverwood/Matthew HancockChester Valley GC32-33-75-140Bala GC
2019Brian Rothaus/Gary SmithPhilmont CC/Pine Valley GC32-33-70-135Wild Quail G&CC
2018*Joe Butto/Byron WhitmanBerkshire CC37-36-71-144Lebanon CC
2017Thomas Alestock/Robert WaltersRunning Deer GC35-37-71-143Brookside CC
2016Bob Beck/Bert KosupLehigh CC/The Ridge at Back Brook34-34-71-139French Creek GC
2015Buck Jones/Michael NilonPhiladelphia Publinks GA/Philadelphia CC37-75-33-145Silver Creek CC
2014Gary E. Daniels/Michael RoseApplebrook GC/Talamore CC35-35-76-146Green Valley CC
2013*Buck Jones/Michael NilonPhiladelphia Publinks GA/Philadelphia CC31-35-74-140Bala GC
2012Gary D. Daniels/Robin McCoolSaucon Valley CC33-35-73-141Spring Mill CC
2011*Richard Custer/Bob MajczanBrookside CC/Lookaway GC34-33-75-142St. Davids GC
2010Francis McFadden/Terrence SawyerOverbrook GC/Commonwealth National GC34-34-71-139Spring Ford CC
2009Gary E. Daniels/Charles Dowds, IIIApplebrook GC37-34-70-144Cherry Valley CC
2008Don Donatoni/Carl EverettWhite Manor CC/Merion GC30-37-75-142Concord CC

Super-Senior Division
2021Robin McCool/Craig ScottSaucon Valley CC/Great Bear GC34-31-73-138Bellewood CC
2020Robin McCool/Craig ScottSaucon Valley CC/Great Bear GC30-38-71-139Bala GC
2019Robin McCool/Craig ScottSaucon Valley CC/Great Bear GC33-34-75-142Wild Quail G&CC
2018*Don Donatoni/Steve TagertWhite Manor CC/Spring Ford CC34-36-72-142Lebanon CC
2017Carl Everett/Steve TagertMerion GC/Spring Ford CC35-35-75-145Brookside CC
2016Frank Polizzi/Robin McCoolWhitemarsh Valley CC/Saucon Valley CC32-38-71-141French Creek GC
2015Don Donatoni/Steve TagertWhite Manor CC/Spring Ford CC32-66-34-132Silver Creek CC
2014Don Donatoni/Carl EverettWhite Manor CC/Merion GC37-37-74-148Green Valley CC
2013Charles McClaskey/Michael RoseBack Creek GC/Talamore CC31-34-66-131Bala GC
2012Lawrence Capuzzi, Sr./Edward PappasRolling Green GC36-37-79-152Spring Mill CC
2011O. Gordon Brewer, Jr./Robert HousenPine Valley GC33-33-76-142St. Davids GC
2010O. Gordon Brewer, Jr./Robert HousenPine Valley GC34-39-75-148Spring Ford CC
2009Herbert Gordon/Robert SchillerDoylestown CC/Old York Road CC39-35-81-155Cherry Valley CC
2008Charles McClaskey/Richard SmithWyncote GC/Philadelphia CC34-35-76-145Concord CC
* — won in playoff