Compher Cup - Player Records - The Golf Association of Philadelphia

Compher Cup – Player Records

NameYear(s) playedWLHWLHWLH
Andrew Achenbach1998, 2000-02, 2006, 2012501321
P.J. Acierno2018100100
Chris Anderson2006010010
Josh Anderson2024010100
Edward Anewalt, III1968010100
Anthony Apostolico2004010010
Thomas Apple1970100001
Joe April2013-14020110
Steve Arnold2007010100
Philip Arouca2008100010
Chris Ault2010, 2015, 2017, 2023211310
Wayne Bancroft1964010100
John Barone2022010010
Peter Barron, III2012, 2015, 2017-19, 2021, 2023430322
Christian Bartolacci2001100100
Robert Beirne1964-69600411
Larry Bell1963-64101101
Christopher Blair1977-78020110
Arthur Blank, II1971100010000
Charles Bolling1980-81200200
Tom Borsello1999-2000, 2002, 2010301220
John Brennan2009-11, 2013-18, 2022-23722740
O. Gordon Brewer, Jr.1967-69, 1972-74, 1976-77,
1979-82, 1987, 1990-92, 1996, 1998
David Brookreson1969-70, 1980-87, 1990-93, 1996-9712311103020
Michael J. Brown1986, 1996, 1998111210
Michael R. Brown, Jr.2009-14, 2018-19, 2021630450
Louis Brozo, Jr.1962010010
Robert Buhner1964010010
Andy Butler2022-24120021
William H. Care, Jr.1963-66112400
Michael Carr2014-16, 2022310211
Tom Carter1991100100
Thomas Conboy1965, 1969, 1971, 1994030020200
Ben Cooley2016, 2022-23210300
Brian Corbett2005000000
Anthony Cordaro2024010001
Chris Crawford2017100100
Matt Crescenzo2015100100
Mark Curlett1976-77110101
Gary Daniels1987, 1995020020
Mike Danner2007, 2009200101
Joseph Data1984010100
William Davenport2021100100
Donald DeAngelis1971-75320230000
Brett Deemer1987100100
Clint Deibert2006100100
Duke Delcher1975-77, 1990202400
Anthony DeSimone1968100010
Zach Dilcher2024100100
George Dillon1989100001
James Dolan1966, 1969011110
Eric Dollenberg1975010010
Michael Domenick1994-95, 1998-99310130
James Donnelly2009100100
Francis Donohue1983, 1985-86300201
Charles Dowds, III1988, 1990, 1995, 1997, 2001140302
Zachary Drescher2024010001
Steve Dressel2013, 2018-19120120
Bernie Dunne1975100010
Joseph Durante1962010010
Joe Durante1980010010
John Dyniewski1962-63, 1965030210
Ernest Eichenberg, II1970010100
Paul Erhardt, III1966-80, 1982-83, 1991660430410
Chris Esbenshade2009010010
Carl Everett1984-85, 1994-95031310
Ben Feld2015, 2017-19, 2021140320
Larry Feldman1963-67212311
Matthew Finger2015, 2017, 2019300300
Sean Flanigan2023100100
E. Michael Forgash1976, 1978-79300210
Michael Fox1993010001
Mike Franko, Jr.1975100100
James Fraser1974010100000
Aaron Fricke2015100100
Robert Galbreath, Jr.2007, 2009, 2011-13230131
Chris Gallagher2004100010
Brian Gillespie1997, 2002-05, 2006-08, 2010, 2018, 2021640631
Blaise Giroso1981-87, 1991-92, 1994811622
J.P. Glynn2001010100
Benjamin Goldman1975, 1981-86232511
Andy Goldman1979100010
Thomas Gramigna1997, 2011200110
Michael Gregor1987-88, 1990, 1992, 1994,
1996, 1999-2000, 2002
Jeff Griest2009-10020110
George Griffin, III1968001010
John Guenther, Jr.1962-65, 1967, 1973420010230
Ted Hagedorn1970100001
James Hamilton1977100100
Justin Hare2016100100
Mike Heller1985010010
John G. Hendrickson1962-69, 1971-731010120143
Robert Hogg1965, 1973101010100
Joseph Hoover, III1964010100
Jack Hubbert1977001001
Stephen Hudacek, III2012100100
Michael Hyland2000, 2010, 2014300201
Thomas Hyndman1971-74310130000
William Hyndman, III1962, 1979, 1984210110010
William Hyndman, IV1970100010
Roc Irey1992, 2002, 2005110110
Arthur Jacoby1976010010
Bill Jeremiah2011, 2016110110
Eddie Johnson2019100100
Edwin Jusczak1969010100
Arthur Kania1988, 1990, 1993210012
Michael Kania2014010100
James Kania1984, 1987-90, 1992-97, 2000651534
James Kania, Jr.2015100010
Andrew Keeling2022-23110110
Philip Keidel, Jr.1983010001
Jim Kieserman2000010010
David Kim2024010010
Scott Klee2011010010
Jarrett Kling1999010001
Patrick Knott2021-22110011
Dennis Konzyk1987, 1989110200
Kevin Kramarski2024010001
Vince Kwon2019100100
Blaine Lafferty2019100100
John Lalley2024010010
Christopher Lange1978-80, 1982, 1984-90, 1993-99,
2001, 2003-05, 2007-08, 2010
Christopher Lange, Jr.2011, 2016, 2018300300
John LeBoeuf2002010010
Sean Leonard2006, 2009-10120201
Robert Levy1979-83, 1988-89610502
Lary Lindstrom1985010010
David Liotta2004, 2006011110
Steve Loughran1978, 1992200200
Chip Lutz1978-79, 1999-2001, 2007, 2014331430
Frank Magee1975010010
Marc Mandel2012010100
Sam Maniaci1977010001
Steven Marshall1969010001
Edward E. Marshall, III1962, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1978-79150031110
Robert Martino1972001010000
Anthony Martire2010010100
George Marucci, Jr.1974, 1976, 1980-82, 1984,
1986-87, 1991-92, 1994-96
Andrew Mason2012-13110200
James Macallister2003100100
Matt Mattare2011, 2019, 2021210210
Ryan McCarty2011100100
Robin McCool1991-95, 1997-98, 2002440431
W.B. McCullough, III1971-72, 1974-76410131000
Brian McDermott2013010001
Neil McDermott1997100010
Michael McDermott2000, 2003, 2006-08, 2017411231
Brad McFadden1991, 1993101101
Frank McFadden1998, 2003, 2005020020
Marty McGuckin2018-19, 2023300300
Bill McGuinness1983, 1990-93, 1996, 1998, 2003, 2005170152
Scott McLaughlin2016-17101200
Sean McMonagle2022001010
Scott McNeil2013, 2015-16, 2022, 2024230131
David Mecca2024100010
Mike Meisenzahl2011-12110101
Rand Mendez2009010001
Oscar Mestre, Jr.1985-86, 1999-2001, 2003, 2005321330
James T. Meyer1965-74640040411
Mark Miller2008, 2022200200
Mike Moffat2002-03, 2008120120
Don Morano1972100100000
Alex Mulrooney2019010100
Brian Nelson1984100100
Michael Nilon1970, 1989011100100
Donald M. Norbury1967-69201210
Gregory O'Connor2001100100
William O'Donnell, III1969001100
Jeff Osberg2011-13, 2017310202
Tom Paul1989, 1991, 1997021021
John Pelet2008010100
Jack Penrose1963-64110101
John Peterson1978100100
Ross Pilliod2022100100
Rich Pruchnik2004-06200200
Ernest L. Ransome, III1962, 1965, 1971111010010
Hugh Reilly1988100100
Stewart Rickenbach2024010010
Edward Richitelli1963010
Louis Riggs, Jr.1962-63, 1965-67, 1970-71, 1973350110420
Richard Riva2021, 202402002
W. Laird Robertson1974010100000
James Robertson1977-78, 1980-81, 1985230212
Robert Robertson2008001100
John Robinson2003-04200200
Samuel Robinson1966010100
William J. Robinson, Jr.1963100010
Paul Rogowicz2007010010
Randy Rolfe1994-95110110
Mike Rose1978-80, 1982-88, 1995-96, 2001634931
Patrick Ross2016100010
Brian Rothaus1986, 1989-90, 2007220202
George Rowbotham1962100010
Jon Rusk2002001010
James Rutter1970100100
Josh Ryan2022100100
John Samaha2015, 2019011020
Calen Sanderson2021001001
Robert Savarese, Jr.1992, 1998, 2001210300
Terrence J. Sawyer1977-83700412
Doug Schroer2006010100
Gregg Schwoyer1981010001
Stephen Seiden2008-09, 2012, 2017310121
Chris Sekella1999-2000110110
Marvin K. Serber1962010010
Davis Sezna1984001100
James Shaffer1982010100
Tom Shallow1994, 1999011020
Andrew Shapiro1975100100
Cory Siegfried2014010001
R. Jay Sigel1968, 1970, 1972-76, 1978-79,
1981-82, 1990, 1992-93
Grant Skyllas2013-14, 2018, 2021040130
Jamie Slonis1999, 2001-02, 2004, 2008, 2012321222
Glenn Smeraglio2000-07, 2009-14, 2016950842
Benjamin Smith2016-17110110
Harvey Smith1962-66410410
Gary Smith1993100010
Don Sowers1974-77121211000
James Spagnolo1991, 1993101020
Rich Stanford1988-89110101
Brian Stefanowicz1985-86110110
Eric Stevenson1968, 1972002010100
George Stratton, Jr.1963010010
James Sullivan, Jr.1998-99200200
Allan Sussel1965-67, 1970, 1974, 1980-81, 1983521121310
Nevin Sutcliffe1983100100
Nathan Sutherland2018100100
James D. Sykes1963-64, 1968, 1971-73, 1976, 1988341320101
Ryan Tall2023010100
Michael Tash1996-98, 2000, 2002-05, 2006242152
Chris Terebesi1989, 1991200101
Andy Thompson1966, 1987-89, 1999311220100
Raymond Thompson2008, 2015110110
Joe Tigani2023100100
Paul Tighe2014100100
Richard Umani1997100010
Troy Vannucci2021, 2023110020
Conrad Von Borsig2007, 2014, 2018201120
P. Chet Walsh1986, 1988-90, 1994-98,
2003-05, 2013
Kenneth C. Warren1967010100
David West2009, 2016011110
Jay Whitby2017010010
James White2004010010
Cole Willcox2023010001
Robert Wilford1976-77101200
Jason Wilson2021010010
Chris Yard1996010001
Douglas Zelner1993, 1995, 2005-08, 2010420033