SCOUTING REPORTS Go Back Scout a Player Select a club first, then wait for the list to generate before selecting a team number. Select ClubApplebrookApplecrossAroniminkAshbourneAtlantic CityBack CreekBack CreekBalaBallamorBayside ResortBellewoodBensalemBent CreekBerkleighBerkshireBerwickBidermannBlue BellBlue HeronBlue ShamrockBluestoneBon AirBrandywineBroad RunBrookside- AllentoBrookside- PottstoBucksBurlingtonBYECarlisleCavaliersCC of ScrantonCedarbrookChambersburgCherry ValleyChesapeake BayChester ValleyCoatesvilleCobblestone CreekCobbs CreekColonial G&TCommonwealthConcordConestogaCripple CreekDeerfieldDeerwoodDelaware NationalDowningtownDoylestownDuPontEd OliverEdgmontElkviewElmhurstFieldstoneFive PondsFlourtownFox HillFoxchaseFrench CreekFrog HollowFrosty ValleyGalen HallGilbertsvilleGlen MillsGlen OakGlenhardieGlenmaura NationalGolden OaksGolden PheasantGreat BearGreate BayGreen PondGreen ValleyGreenbriarHarrisburgHartefeldHawk PointeHeidelbergHersheyHershey’s MillHidden CreekHoneybrookHopewell ValleyHuntingdon ValleyHuntsvilleIndian ValleyInniscroneIremJack FrostJC MelroseJericho NationalJohn F. ByrneKennett SquareKings CreekLancasterLaurel CreekLebanonLedgeRockLehighLiberty HillLimekilnLinksLinwoodLittle MillLlanerchLoch NairnLookawayLuLuMakefieldManasquanManufacturers’McCallMeadia HeightsMedford LakesMedford VillageMercer OaksMerchantvilleMerionMetedeconkMiddletownMiry RunMoorestownMorgan HillMoselem SpringsNewarkNorth HillsNorthamptonNorthampton ValleyOdessa NatOld York (NJ)Old York RoadOlde HomesteadOut DoorOverbrookOverlookPeninsulaPenn OaksPennsaukenPhila CountryPhila CricketPhilmontPhoenixvillePitmanPocono FarmsRadley RunRadnor ValleyRamblewoodRancocasRaven’s ClawReadingRegents’ GlenRehobothRidgeRiverCrestRivertonRiverWindsRock ManorRolling GreenRoyal OaksRunning DeerSakimaSandy RunSaucon ValleySchuylkillScotlandScranton CanScranton MunSea OaksSeaviewShawneeSkippackSpring FordSpring MillSpringdaleSpringhavenSquiresSt. DavidsStanton RidgeSteelStone HarborStonewallSunnybrookSusquehannaTalamoreTanglewoodTavistockThe 1912 ClubThe Legacy ClubThe Shore ClubTorresdaleTrentonTrump NationalUnion LeagueValleybrookWaynesboroWaynesboroughWedgwoodWest ChesterWest ShoreWestwoodWhite BirchWhite ClayWhite ManorWhite OaksWhitemarshWhitfordWild QuailWilmingtonWoodbridgeWoodburyWoodstoneWyncoteWyoming ValleyYardleyYork Select Club First All DivisionsDivision AADivision ADivision BDivision CDivision DDivision EDivision F All202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008 Scout Scout a Team Select TeamApplebrook 1Applebrook 2Applebrook 3Applecross 1Applecross 2Applecross 3Aronimink 1Aronimink 2Aronimink 3Aronimink 4Ashbourne 1Ashbourne 2Atlantic City 1Atlantic City 2Back Creek 1Back Creek 1Back Creek 2Bala 1Bala 2Bala 3Ballamor 1Ballamor 2Bayside Resort 1Bellewood 1Bellewood 2Bellewood 3Bensalem 1Bensalem 2Bent Creek 1Bent Creek 2Bent Creek 3Berkleigh 1Berkleigh 2Berkleigh 3Berkshire 1Berkshire 2Berkshire 3Berwick 1Berwick 2Berwick 3Bidermann 1Blue Bell 1Blue Bell 2Blue Bell 3Blue Heron 1Blue Shamrock 1Bluestone 1Bluestone 2Bluestone 3Bon Air 1Bon Air 2Bon Air 3Brandywine 1Brandywine 2Broad Run 1Brookside- Allento 1Brookside- Allento 2Brookside- Allento 3Brookside- Pottsto 1Brookside- Pottsto 2Brookside- Pottsto 3Brookside- Pottsto 4Bucks 1Burlington 1Burlington 2Burlington 3BYE 1Carlisle 1Carlisle 2Carlisle 3Cavaliers 1Cavaliers 2Cavaliers 3CC of Scranton 1CC of Scranton 2CC of Scranton 3Cedarbrook 1Cedarbrook 2Cedarbrook 3Chambersburg 1Cherry Valley 1Cherry Valley 2Chesapeake Bay 1Chesapeake Bay 2Chester Valley 1Chester Valley 2Chester Valley 3Coatesville 1Coatesville 2Coatesville 3Coatesville 4Coatesville 5Cobblestone Creek 1Cobbs Creek 1Colonial G&T 1Commonwealth 1Commonwealth 2Commonwealth 3Commonwealth 4Commonwealth 5Concord 1Concord 2Concord 3Conestoga 1Conestoga 2Conestoga 3Cripple Creek 1Cripple Creek 2Deerfield 1Deerfield 2Deerwood 1Delaware National 1Delaware National 2Delaware National 3Downingtown 1Downingtown 2Downingtown 3Doylestown 1Doylestown 2Doylestown 3DuPont 1DuPont 2DuPont 3DuPont 4DuPont 5Ed Oliver 1Ed Oliver 2Edgmont 1Edgmont 2Elkview 1Elkview 2Elmhurst 1Elmhurst 2Fieldstone 1Fieldstone 2Fieldstone 3Five Ponds 1Five Ponds 2Five Ponds 3Flourtown 1Flourtown 2Fox Hill 1Fox Hill 2Fox Hill 3Fox Hill 4Foxchase 1Foxchase 2French Creek 1French Creek 2Frog Hollow 1Frog Hollow 2Frosty Valley 1Galen Hall 1Gilbertsville 1Gilbertsville 2Glen Mills 1Glen Oak 1Glen Oak 2Glen Oak 3Glenhardie 1Glenmaura National 1Glenmaura National 2Glenmaura National 3Glenmaura National 4Golden Oaks 1Golden Oaks 2Golden Oaks 3Golden Pheasant 1Great Bear 1Great Bear 2Greate Bay 1Greate Bay 2Greate Bay 3Green Pond 1Green Valley 1Green Valley 2Green Valley 3Greenbriar 1Harrisburg 1Hartefeld 1Hartefeld 2Hartefeld 3Hartefeld 4Hawk Pointe 1Heidelberg 1Heidelberg 2Heidelberg 3Heidelberg 4Hershey 1Hershey 2Hershey 3Hershey 4Hershey 5Hershey’s Mill 1Hershey’s Mill 2Hershey’s Mill 3Hidden Creek 1Honeybrook 1Honeybrook 2Honeybrook 3Honeybrook 4Hopewell Valley 1Hopewell Valley 2Hopewell Valley 3Huntingdon Valley 1Huntingdon Valley 2Huntingdon Valley 3Huntingdon Valley 4Huntingdon Valley 5Huntsville 1Huntsville 2Huntsville 3Indian Valley 1Indian Valley 2Indian Valley 3Inniscrone 1Irem 1Irem 2Jack Frost 1JC Melrose 1JC Melrose 2Jericho National 1Jericho National 2Jericho National 3John F. Byrne 1Kennett Square 1Kennett Square 2Kennett Square 3Kennett Square 4Kings Creek 1Lancaster 1Lancaster 2Lancaster 3Lancaster 4Laurel Creek 1Laurel Creek 2Laurel Creek 3Laurel Creek 4Lebanon 1Lebanon 2LedgeRock 1LedgeRock 2LedgeRock 3Lehigh 1Lehigh 2Lehigh 3Liberty Hill 1Limekiln 1Limekiln 2Links 1Links 2Links 3Linwood 1Linwood 2Little Mill 1Little Mill 2Little Mill 3Little Mill 4Llanerch 1Llanerch 2Llanerch 3Llanerch 4Loch Nairn 1Loch Nairn 2Loch Nairn 3Lookaway 1Lookaway 2LuLu 1LuLu 2LuLu 3LuLu 4LuLu 5LuLu 6LuLu 7Makefield 1Makefield 2Makefield 3Makefield 4Manasquan 1Manufacturers’ 1Manufacturers’ 2Manufacturers’ 3Manufacturers’ 4McCall 1McCall 2McCall 3McCall 4Meadia Heights 1Meadia Heights 2Meadia Heights 3Meadia Heights 4Medford Lakes 1Medford Lakes 2Medford Lakes 3Medford Village 1Medford Village 2Medford Village 3Mercer Oaks 1Mercer Oaks 2Mercer Oaks 3Merchantville 1Merchantville 2Merchantville 3Merion 1Merion 2Merion 3Metedeconk 1Middletown 1Middletown 2Miry Run 1Moorestown 1Moorestown 2Morgan Hill 1Moselem Springs 1Moselem Springs 2Moselem Springs 3Newark 1Newark 2North Hills 1North Hills 2North Hills 3Northampton 1Northampton 2Northampton 3Northampton 4Northampton Valley 1Northampton Valley 2Odessa Nat 1Odessa Nat 2Old York (NJ) 1Old York (NJ) 2Old York (NJ) 3Old York Road 1Old York Road 2Old York Road 3Old York Road 4Olde Homestead 1Olde Homestead 2Out Door 1Out Door 2Overbrook 1Overbrook 2Overbrook 3Overbrook 4Overbrook 5Overlook 1Overlook 2Peninsula 1Peninsula 2Penn Oaks 1Penn Oaks 2Penn Oaks 3Penn Oaks 4Pennsauken 1Pennsauken 2Phila Country 1Phila Country 2Phila Country 3Phila Cricket 1Phila Cricket 2Phila Cricket 3Phila Cricket 4Phila Cricket 5Phila Cricket 6Philmont 1Philmont 2Philmont 3Philmont 4Phoenixville 1Phoenixville 2Phoenixville 3Pitman 1Pitman 2Pocono Farms 1Radley Run 1Radley Run 2Radley Run 3Radnor Valley 1Radnor Valley 2Ramblewood 1Ramblewood 2Ramblewood 3Rancocas 1Rancocas 2Raven’s Claw 1Reading 1Reading 2Reading 3Reading 4Regents’ Glen 1Rehoboth 1Ridge 1Ridge 2RiverCrest 1RiverCrest 2RiverCrest 3RiverCrest 4Riverton 1Riverton 2Riverton 3Riverton 4RiverWinds 1RiverWinds 2Rock Manor 1Rolling Green 1Rolling Green 2Rolling Green 3Rolling Green 4Royal Oaks 1Running Deer 1Running Deer 2Running Deer 3Running Deer 4Sakima 1Sakima 2Sakima 3Sandy Run 1Sandy Run 2Sandy Run 3Sandy Run 4Saucon Valley 1Saucon Valley 2Saucon Valley 3Saucon Valley 4Saucon Valley 5Schuylkill 1Schuylkill 2Schuylkill 3Schuylkill 4Scotland 1Scotland 2Scotland 3Scranton Can 1Scranton Mun 1Sea Oaks 1Sea Oaks 2Seaview 1Seaview 2Shawnee 1Shawnee 2Skippack 1Spring Ford 1Spring Ford 2Spring Ford 3Spring Ford 4Spring Ford 5Spring Mill 1Spring Mill 2Springdale 1Springdale 2Springhaven 1Springhaven 2Springhaven 3Springhaven 4Squires 1St. Davids 1St. Davids 2St. Davids 3St. Davids 4Stanton Ridge 1Steel 1Steel 2Steel 3Stone Harbor 1Stone Harbor 2Stonewall 1Stonewall 2Sunnybrook 1Sunnybrook 2Susquehanna 1Susquehanna 2Talamore 1Talamore 2Talamore 3Talamore 4Tanglewood 1Tavistock 1Tavistock 2Tavistock 3Tavistock 4Tavistock 5The 1912 Club 1The 1912 Club 2The 1912 Club 3The Legacy Club 1The Legacy Club 2The Legacy Club 3The Legacy Club 4The Shore Club 1The Shore Club 2The Shore Club 3The Shore Club 4Torresdale 1Torresdale 2Torresdale 3Torresdale 4Trenton 1Trenton 2Trenton 3Trump National 1Trump National 2Union League 1Valleybrook 1Valleybrook 2Valleybrook 3Waynesboro 1Waynesborough 1Waynesborough 2Waynesborough 3Wedgwood 1Wedgwood 2Wedgwood 3West Chester 1West Chester 2West Chester 3West Chester 4West Shore 1West Shore 2Westwood 1Westwood 2White Birch 1White Clay 1White Clay 2White Manor 1White Manor 2White Manor 3White Oaks 1White Oaks 2Whitemarsh 1Whitemarsh 2Whitemarsh 3Whitford 1Whitford 2Whitford 3Whitford 4Wild Quail 1Wild Quail 2Wilmington 1Wilmington 2Wilmington 3Wilmington 4Woodbridge 1Woodbury 1Woodbury 2Woodbury 3Woodstone 1Woodstone 2Woodstone 3Wyncote 1Wyoming Valley 1Wyoming Valley 2Wyoming Valley 3Yardley 1Yardley 2Yardley 3Yardley 4York 1York 2 All202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008 Scout