Club Members – The Golf Association of Philadelphia


Championships — GAP conducts more than 200 events for players of all ages and skill levels within its territory. Its tournament schedule runs from April to October. In addition to administering local competitions, GAP also administers 19 qualifying events for USGA championships. GAP members are eligible to compete in all events spanning GAP’s territory including GAP Central, GAP/DSGA and GAP/AGA.

Member Play Days All members can register for a relaxing yet competitive day of golf at the region’s top spots. Registration is available, first-come, first-serve, under the Play tab.

BMW GAP Team Matches — Only available to full Member Clubs, the BMW GAP Team Matches are held on three Sundays in April with more than 6,000 players representing 400 teams from 173 Member Clubs. Interclub Matches, as they were originally called, served as the basis for the founding of the Association, and today, just like then, serve as a source of club pride.

Handicap Computation and Score Posting — Individuals can maintain their handicap on-line from anywhere in the world through My GAP Locker or the USGA’s GHIN Mobile App. Get access to GPS course yardages, course layouts, statistics and next-day revisions after posting a score.

Subscriptions All members are eligible to receive complimentary subscriptions to GAP Magazine, the official publication of GAP; Golf Digest, the world-class magazine responsible for providing access to all things golf and Global Golf Post, the world’s first designed digital weekly golf news publication. Subscriptions can be managed by contacting the Golf Office or by managing the subscriptions tab located in My GAP Locker.

The GAP Index – A monthly, custom handicap report is emailed to your inbox each month. In addition, get the latest news and notes, plus special offers throughout the season.

Meetings and Seminars — The Association offers various seminars, including the Club Rules Seminar, for a continuing education on the Rules of Golf and the College Golf Seminar, for Junior golfers interested in playing golf at the collegiate level.

Winter Series — The Winter Series is an off-season tournament sequence conducted in the fall and winter/early spring open to all players. Typically, there are six events in each portion with Players of the Year crowned in in six categories.

Architect Series — Open to all GAP Members, the Architect Series is a biennial circuit-style tournament program that highlights a golf course architect in the region by showcasing some of their courses.


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