Tournament Officials – The Golf Association of Philadelphia




VOLUNTEER HOURS: 4.5-hour shift for Non-Majors; 2.5-hour shift for Majors and USGA Qualifying

1. A Starter shall arrive at the facility in a timely manner (please be ready to meet with the Official in Charge at the time noted on the reminder sheet). Review the local rules for the day and discuss questions with the staff. Please be in position on the appropriate tee 15 minutes before the first tee time.

2. At the start of play, the Starting Official should:

  • Ensure that the clock on your starting tee has the official time.
  • Call the players for starting instruction 10 minutes before their scheduled tee time. Example: The 7:30 a.m. group tees off and then walks off the tee. At this point, you should announce, “Next on the tee is the 7:40 group of Peterson, Martin and Smith.”
  • Please stay on time but do NOT get ahead of scheduled times. Occasionally, there may be circumstances that warrant having a tee run behind schedule. If this happens, then please inform the GAP staff and revise your tee sheet for the new starting times.
  • Coordinate with staff and keep them informed regarding pairing changes necessary at the starting tees (i.e. withdrawals and no shows).
  • Call the players’ attention to the notices on the starting table and to any local rules established for the day.
  • Distribute official scorecards so that each fellow competitor has another fellow competitor’s scorecard.
  • Remind players to count the number of clubs in their bag and to mark their ball for identification purposes.
  • Instruct the player to play away in the order listed on the starting sheet, unless otherwise instructed.
  • Mark the starter’s list with the actual time for each group (i.e. the time the first player tees off, withdrawals (WDs) and did not shows (DNSs)).
  • Please keep in mind for tournaments with two rounds in one day: Players who started on No. 1 in the morning will start on No. 10 in the afternoon, and players who started on No. 10 in the morning will start on No. 1 in the afternoon.

3. After starting responsibilities are finished, each Starter should proceed with checkpoint responsibilities and:

  • Check the time listed for each group to finish the hole and record the actual time. If a group is over time and more than 14 minutes and 59 seconds behind the group in front of them, then a warning must be issued.
  • Please inform the Official in Charge and all other Checkpoint Officials of any warnings given out.
  • Please inform the preceding group that the group ahead of them has been issued a warning.
  • Request the scorecards from each group that comes through your checkpoint and record those scores on the materials provided.
  • Return the scorecards to the players as quickly as possible. At no time should the players have to wait to have their scorecards returned.
  • Record scores in the handheld tablet provided by the GAP staff.


VOLUNTEER HOURS:  8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (early) / 1:15 to 5:45 p.m. (late)


  • Locate the Official in Charge/GAP staff member and pick up any prepared materials and a radio.
  • Checkpoint officials will be permitted to use a cart to get to either No. 4 green or No. 13 green.
  • Be prepared with materials:  Clipboard, pencil, time synced with official starters clock, proper pace of play procedures and evacuation plan.
  • Pick up a golf cart if one is needed to get to your checkpoint location.
  • Position near exit of green as players walk to next tee; do not crowd players on green.  Avoid being in direct line of play.
  • Record all missed checkpoints.
  • Inform the group if they miss a checkpoint.  Also, inform the immediate following group that the group ahead missed checkpoint.
  • If group asks about its pace, then give specific times. (i.e. “You finished 5 minutes ahead of schedule/You finished 4 minutes over time.”).
  • If group is within the minute period after the allotted time, then please inform all players in that group that it barely made the checkpoint.

Timing checkpoint official

VOLUNTEER HOURS (event dependent): 7 a.m. start — 7:15-11:45 a.m. for Checkpoint No. 1 and 8:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for Checkpoint No. 2. Afternoon shift: Noon-4:30 p.m. for Checkpoint No. 1 and 1-5:30 p.m. for Checkpoint No. 2.


  • Locate the Official in Charge/GAP staff member and pick up any prepared materials and a radio.
  • Checkpoint officials will be permitted to use a golf cart to get to his or her designated hole.
  • A majority of checkpoint positions will be responsible for recording finish times for groups at checkpoint holes. During a limited number of events (e.g. USGA Qualifying), online score entry may be required at checkpoint holes.


  • The GAP Uniform consists of khaki pants or shorts and a tournament shirt with GAP Logo.
  • You should bring appropriate clothing to cope with harsh weather (hat, sunglasses, umbrella, etc.). Only hats with a GAP Logo may be worn. GAP volunteer hats are available at the Golf Office and are free of charge to volunteers.