Section 2: Week 3 - Cricket 1 vs. Cricket 2 - The Golf Association of Philadelphia

Week 3

Cricket 1 (home) vs. Cricket 2

**Click here for Away Matches at Cricket2**

Match 1: Gregor Orlando (PCC1) vs. Marc Mandel (PCC2)

Match 2: Sam McFall (PCC1) vs. Kevin Kelly (PCC2)

Match 3: Mark Benevento, Jr. (PCC1) vs. Greg Guyer (PCC2)

Match 4: Scott Storck (PCC1) vs. Bryan Winsko (PCC2)

Match 5: John Brennan (PCC1) vs. Brian Fischer (PCC2)

Match 6: Brendan Borst (PCC1) vs. Taylor Kellogg (PCC2)

**Click here for Away Matches at Cricket2**